Dry eyes syndrome is characterized by eye irritation resulting from a change in tear film. It can either result from decreased tear production as in many diseases or it can be a effect of some external factors like use of contact lenses or excessive use of computers.
A person with dry eyes typically complains of
A person with dry eyes typically complains of
- Itching
- Burning
- Redness
- Tiredness of eyes
- Foreign body sensation
- Photo phobia sometimes
- Extended contact lens use.
- Long working hours on computer.
- Post lasik surgery.
- Drivers exposed to excessive air.
- Then there are disorders like sjogren's syndrome which causes dry eyes.
- The best thing one can do is blink more frequently while working on computer. The normal blink rate is 15 -18 per minute but we forget that while staring at computer.
- Use contact lens judiciously with adequate breaks in between.
- Use artificial tear preparations which are preservative free. They can be used without any harm for sometime. If it still persist then a visit to an Ophthalmologist is necessary.